
4:17 8/16/2024
2) asl?
I follow an ASL youtube channel, but not a lot of it seems to be sticking to my brain atm
3) opinions on musicals?
Huge weakness for them and theater in general. it stresses me out a bit to attend performances because i get anxious watching people act (I feel bad/guilty if the performance isn’t perfect? If that makes sense???) but the music aspect helps add an extra layer to sweep you up and get you out of your own head
4) favorite snack?
Currently going crazy for Carolina Gold BBQ chips scooped in cottage cheese…don’t fucking judge meeeeeee
6) favorite pokemon?
I’m Gengar for LIFE dude
7) mario kart main? I don’t play racing games but I will start when Bloodborne Kart is released
8) tf2 main?
Medic! Sniper and Engineer are my backups, but I generally enjoyed playing as an aggressive healer.
9) do you laugh at youtube poops?
10) are you listening to music right now?
I’m listening to Jerma Elden Ring
11) favorite shape?
Pointed curve/wave
12) do you believe in astrology?
No but I think it would be so cool if it was so I pretend very hard sometimes
13) do you believe in the occult?
I believe it’s my favorite thing ever to read about/be invested in as a hobby!
14) opinions on vocaloid?
Miku leek dance was a cultural explosion that occurred during my high school years, imprinting formatively on my mind as both a blip of media and an association with a certain social strata of nerd, artist, and taste in websites. i.e. i know zero vocaloid lore or music but was on deviantArt in 2009
15) would you ever want to be a rockstar?
God no
16) do you easily get stressed?
Clinically so
17) what is/was your favorite class in high school?
I was homeschooled! I enjoyed hands-on learning with materials the most, which generally meant more creative classes.
18) what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol
shadow/grass probably?? I feel like when a pokemon type meme went around a while back that was the most popular type choice by my friends for me too
19) rei or asuka?
I never finished it..
20) favorite html tag?
Divs, I just clicked with CSS and they’re my new best friends
21) are you religious?
I wish I could enjoy the comforts of that, but nope! I rocket white-knuckled through reality alone. In terms of philosophy, I think it would be nice if my purpose was to enjoy my time and alleviate stress from others (especially animals). You could say that paying vet bills and tucking my dog into bed are religious for me I think
22) opinions on nightcore?
23) did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc)
Gigantic weeb, specifically the Bleach-Invader Zim-Fantasy Nerd intersection that forms when children are irradiated by both mall Hot Topic hangouts and from the toxic sludge of mid-00s dA and a newborn tumblr.
24) are you good at drawing?
25) do you crack your joints?
I LOVE cracking my joints
26) do you read visual novels?
Not really…I tried PARANORMASIGHT: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo and really enjoyed it, but I think that was in spite of the presentation, not because of it.
27) can you sew? Mostly!! I couldn’t make a decent shirt on a sewing machine, but I’m adept at patchwork and toymaking.
28) can you cook?
Pretty well. The real problem is cleaning up.
29) most expensive thing you've bought?
Probably a mini solid steel printing press…my parents offered to get me something special for my Sweet Sixteen, and we agreed to go in 50/50 between their gift and blowing my teenage savings. It was like 2000$? I haven’t used it as much as I’d like, but I would dearly like to have enough space in my apartment to move it into my current setup.
30) opinions on cosplay?
So fucking cool, I am so afraid of the investment this hobby costs and the space it takes up but I’m SO jealous of people who have this hobby!!
31) what's your most hated band/musician?
Idk Shane Dawson? Tryhard pop is always funnybad to me even if it’s catchy
32) are you a dramatic person?
Man I hope not?
33) what emoticon do you use most?
34) can a miracle certainly occur?
I think a miracle is just something great that happens by chance and makes you feel really really good, so yes, we will all definitely experiences miracles in our lifetimes
35) would you let a vampire suck ur blood?
Oh 100% let’s not even pretend here
36) do you have a celebrity crush? I honestly barely recognize most celebrities. Kristen (Kirsten?? no) Stewart has looked really hot in some of her short hair recent looks. The fat guy who plays the vampire assistant on the vampire show is super attractive also.
37) do you like snow?
Yes which is why I’m so mad my part of the country is heating up too much to have winters
38) were you really into greek mythology as a kid?
Oh my god, yes. Greek mythology was my intro, but I would say that Norse mythology is where I got really nerdy? It was so different from the Greek myths (to me, tiny baby) that it really left an imprint in my soft brain.
39) what are some things you could competently deliver a speech on?
Dark Souls, Unschooling, Boss Baby, recipes you can make with just cans of stuff out of a pantry, Dog Breeds
40) are you good at spelling?
Incredible at some words but I still mess up wiered WEIRD
41) which touhou wud u fuk?
The only bullet hell ive ever been autistic for is Kreludor Mining Corp
42) do you think there's going to be a robot takeover?
No, I think power is going to consolidate into fewer and fewer individuals, polarized to increasing extremes, and a breaking point will force conflict or resolution in global superpowers/technology/etc before we get to that.
did you hear about those mini brains that grew eyes
44) would you be an angel or devil?
Maybe one of those medieval manuscript page border goblin demon things
45) sine, cosine, or tangent?
46) do you like licorice?
I’m sorry but I hate it. I will still take a bite and make a face if you find it funny though
47) whats one thing you cant stand that everyone else loves?
Soda…it always seems sooo tempting but any time I try and drink a coke I’m just floored by how sweet that shit is. The flavor is good but I genuinely have to cut it with like, lemon and wine and lacroi or something
48) what books did you like as a kid?
Man, all of them. I live a few blocks from a library in a town of 2k people with little cobblestone roads, so it was the sort of small town where I was allowed to toddle up there whenever I wanted from a pretty young age. Animorphs, goosebumps, the old black and white spider-man reprints that recap the whole series, every “These Girls Are Friends AND Secret Magic Warriors” type book, every dense-ass little pre-Disney-cleanup noncanon Star Wars novelisation about Han and Lea’s fanon kids, those weirdass Darran Shan books, Holly Black, the Bartimaeus trilogy, Sabriel trilogy and…yes…Eragon. Oh, sorry, ”The Inheritance Cycle”
49) can you play any instruments?
Poorly. I was very lucky to get music lessons in several instruments as a kid, but it was hard to appreciate when it was basically a school chore. I have enough knowledge to pick up my old instruments and start practicing again and wish I could find something that would let me love playing.
50) what song would you want to play at your wedding?
I don’t know if I want to get married…I would like to buy a house with a good friend or six and have a really large barbecue with chipmunz sludgecore blasting into the night.
51) do you believe in reincarnation?
Mmmmmmmmm not more than any of the other things. Again, would be sick though
52) finish the sentence: I'm just a guy who ______
Farts hard and proud
53) have you been to another continent?
Not even to another country, alas
54) whats your worst habit?
I make the worst nose noises you can possibly imagine. Also I cough a lot. My allergies suck and I wear a mask in public, even during my work shift, but it still SOUNDS horrible.
55) favorite vegetable?
I could fuck up sugar snap peas any day of the week, any week of the year
56) whats something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid?
There was a coloring book picture of three vampires that I had scribbled on, so my parents hung it up over the couch. For some reason I was terrified of those vampires up on the wall behind the couch, all staring at me with their big flat black eyes when I waddled through the doorway
57) whats one of your guilty pleasures? Get really high, toaster oven a whole package of macaroni cheese ball bites, pull out all of the sauces accumulated in the Takeout Spoons And Sauces And Rubber Bands drawer (or your condiment shelf) and then eat the mac and cheese balls with like 10 different sauces and rank them. Highly recommend Arby’s horsey sauce for this.
58) would you rather be a ghost or a vampire?Vampire. I would love to be a rotten blood freak.
59) what do you fear most?
Horrible mistakes I guess? My roommate’s cat Leslie (who is also my cat in my brain and heart) nearly died on my watch once due to getting frightened into hurting himself. I would literally never have recovered from that if he hadn’t turned out ok in the end. I don’t think I could possibly forgive myself for certain errors of judgment or diligence if it werent for getting lucky.
60) do you sleep with any plushies?
Yeah, I won’t be shamed, they’re more comfortable than most pillows!
61) what hobby do you just not understand?
I dunno. Tracking bus routes, maybe? I do get WHY sports and car shows and other things I’m not into are interesting; I get a taste of what being a sports fan is like whenever the Olympics is on, and I can see the appeal. I just don’t prefer doing it over my own hobbies I guess.
62) do you like the taste of alcohol?
Not very much. It’s ok in cold gin.
63) are you a hopeless romantic?
Nahhhhhh. I do love spoiling people though.
64) which deadly sin best fits you?
65) which of your physical features do you like the most?
66) are your ears pierced?
67) have you ever been in a physical fight?
68) where do you buy your clothes?
69) where would you live if you could live anywhere?
71) have you read umineko when they cry? you should!
72) what is the worst chore to do?
73) what did your parents almost name you?
74) what would you want your name to be if you were not your current gender?
75) what were your first words?
76) what do you want your last words to be?
77) when did you first regularly start going online?
78) what year do you miss the most?
79) are you psychic?
80) would you fuck a clone of yourself? you're not allowed to kill yourself.
81) what do you use to listen to music?
82) whats the biggest city you've been to?
83) favorite animal?
84) what web browser do you use?
85) are you allergic to kitty cats???????????
86) do you like energy drinks?
87) would ever spend money on tf2 unusuals/csgo skins/gacha pulls/etc
88) when do you usually go to bed?
89) how often do you wash your hair?
90) would you download a car?
91) what was your favorite show as a kid?
92) whats the silliest hat you own?
93) what album/song do you're feeling angsty
94) do you make OCs?
95) whats the goofiest thing you do when completely alone?
96) do you like fireworks?
97) favorite painter?
98) favorite numbers?
99) what genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (fps, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever)
My shoulders are broad, which is pretty cool.
Yep! Dagger in cartilage currently.
No, just recreational martial arts. My brother and I could get pretty nasty with each other as kids but nothing like a real fight.
Almost exclusively goodwill at this point because 1) I’m really stressed about the ecological consequences of fast fashion and 2) I am poor, and that addresses both issues.
I’d love to spend time in places like New York or Tokyo…in terms of permanently living, though, I could settle pretty close to where I live now and be happy for a long time, I think.
I want intensely for it to be real! But I don’t think it is. At least not beyond getting to know yourself. And I guess if it was, I wouldn’t believe enough to make it work.
I’ll put it on the to-do list!
Any of them, when I’m depressed. But I think scooping a litter box is the worst. If you do that for me i will reciprocate with any chore you want
Eva, I think? My brother was almost named Liberty.
I think trans guys and gals who pick the most normal-ass names out there rule so hard, so it would have to be a HARD yes on something like ‘Carl’, or ‘Deborah’, or ‘Tiffany’, or ‘Greg’
I dunno, I know “fuck” was one of my first 10-20 words because my mom worked in a cake factory (which is an intersection of chefs and factory workers, so it was the language environment you would expect).
I think all the memorable stuff has been said so I’ll just shoot for something funny
Probably when I was nine or ten? I used a computer beforehand so I was familiar, I just wasn’t allowed online until I specifically requested it because my friends had told me about Neopets. My parents knew I was crazy for animals so they indulged, and Neopia was my main introduction to both the internet and coding.
I dunno…mentally I struggle with living in the future/daydreaming more than living in the past. I really enjoyed college. Being in a walkable city with education everywhere and lots of weird little freaks just like you was really nice. I wish I had that sense of community here.
God, no, practically the opposite. I’m so awful at reading people and assumingly naively that things are fine.
I don’t know, that feels like a kind of futile effort since i’m not really sexual? Like at least ONE person has to be putting the effort in and it’s not going to be either of me
Mostly the youtube audio player, but at the risk of being embarrassing, I’ve gotten into physical tapes and making crunchy tape deck recordings lately. I don’t know if it counts since it’s not how I listen to the bulk of my music at work.
Chicago probably? My family lived an hour outside of it for a lot of my childhood, but we rarely went in because of the traffic.
Dog. I especially like big dogs and guardian breeds, and would love to be in a living situation someday where I can properly share my life with one again. My favorite toy breed of dog is the Cavalier King Charles; favorite large breeds include German shepherd, Rottweiler, Mastiff, Pibble, and Labrador. I’m not a huge fan of fuzzy faced dogs though, sadly…they win me over face-to-face but not in photos.
Not yet, but with my beautiful body and its beautiful nasal cavity, who can say what the future holds
Yeah…I really like coffee monsters….
MAYBE, I usually don’t do that but will if I would otherwise want to show support to a team/a launch/a fundraiser/etc
Anywhere between 6pm and 10pm, but usually the earlier side. I get up at 4:30 for work and am pretty dedicated to getting 10-12 hours of sleep per day so I’ll lose time to napping if I’m not careful.
I rinse with cold water and scrub (every other day with a bar conditioner) for a scalp massage. I’ve been no-shampoo on and off for the last 10 years due to dyeing my hair and wanting to preserve the color. Dry shampoo is ok from time to time but I find I don’t need it with a really thorough scrub of conditioner.
Probably a tie between like…Danny Phantom, Ben 10, Teen Titans, Kim Possible, American Dragon. All of them.
Got one of those grunkle stan fezzes from a dead guy garage sale
It’s GOTTA be lana del ray summertime sadness sorry
Yes. The well has become dryer but more refined in taste and quality over the years.
Jiggle dance really intensely to the music in my headphones like a freaked up toddler
Yes! I used them a lot as training exercises with my dogs when I was younger, so it was fun to spend a night watching our tiny town’s firework display and feeding the dog a whole sleeve of peanut butter crackers to teach her that fireworks are delicious and not scary.
Maybe kind of a cop-out to name a non classical artist, but I’ve really been liking this guy lately
7! 13 is my mom’s personal lucky number, though, so I pay a lot of respect to that
I really enjoy souls games and good at inventory management, puzzles, strategy stuff…I like a good mix of punchy mechanics or interesting lore to reward me for the puzzles, though!
100) time and date you finished this?
6:16pm 8/16/2024