

The year is 2270. America has fallen (there are several smaller, shittier Americas after the war). Clove has been the top delivery agent for Frontier Express for about a decade and a half--nearly as long as they've worked there. Why anyone would stick it out in the worst, lowest-paying company in the game is a mystery to everyone but them; Frontier postmen have been poached by better-paying and better-liked delivery services for about as long as mail has had to be delivered on foot...but here they are, year 16 of being employee of the month.

Clove is a highly private individual, which leads most people to filling in the blanks themselves. It's obvious to their coworkers that they're a former body-modder (probably one with a creepy 'horse' phase), probably regretting their teenage decisions locking them to a blue-collar job. Or maybe they did a brief stint in prison--Frontier is the only postal service that hasn't switched over to the gene-screening programs, so former convicts can still get work. That would explain why they've stuck it out. Whatever the reason, Clove is polite, fast, and only a little taciturn, so they fade easily to the background of most minds.

oh, and there's also Horses, which will get their own page at some point.
