Corsi-Rosenthal Box Fan FilterA DIY walkthrough on making a cheap, effective air filter. Good for wildfires, pollen, or when your roommate has covid.
Sanitary Pad Fabric Pattern
Even if you don't bleed, as someone who's fully pissed themself from horrible COVID coughing fits, it's really handy to have comfortable, reusable sanitary supplies on hand in any household.
Chinese New Year Cake
fuckin awesome recipe i found on tumblr, yields a mochi-esque coconut cake that's not too sweet. Slices thin once cooled for delicate tiles of cake that are great alongside a cup of tea.
The Pecurliar ManiculeAn incredible collection of 60s and 70s design!
Morpho Collection
Link breaks sometimes. When it works, links to the absolutely vital drawing resource Morpho, a figure drawing series that is pretty damn hard to beat.
Filmcow Royalty Free Sound Effects
Exactly what it says on the tin! Helpful when dipping into animation.
So you've downloaded Firefox. What next? How about a great replacement for Google Docs that's staunchly anti-AI? I've been using it for a short while and already find myself adapted to it.
Don't Call The PoliceA list of resources by city that are an alternative for calling the cops. Fantastic if you're needing a mental health check done or anything else that shouldn't be escalated.
Open Library
Part of the Internet Archive that lends out books for online reading!
Evil Girl Names For Demon Babies
never know when you need evil demon baby names
5e Tools
I'm not saying you should pirate the entire DnD 5e collection, but since Hasbro clearly has no issues using AI to steal from everyone, I'm sure they have nothing but warm fuzzy feelings regarding theft.
A really cool postcard community that anyone can participate in from anywhere in the world!
A song proven to reduce anxiety by over 50%. It's actually unsafe to drive to this, as it can increase your chance of nodding off!
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